AVIT Service – Audio Visual Systems Installation in Washington DC, VA and MD


When you choose AVIT Service, you can count on your audio visual solution being custom built and built right. We take pride in our process for innovation and our wide range of premier technology and partners.

AVIT Service provides solutions that take into account the big picture – how your business works, challenges, and your road map. By taking that extra step we ensure everything is going to work right – for the long term. Even if it is a relatively small implementation we are looking out for you. In the end it’s all about truly providing what you need – not what people want to sell you.

We understand that every vertical market has its own challenges, and opportunities. We also know that no two organizations take the same path to success. That’s great, because we’re all about helping businesses with new thinking and custom collaboration solutions. Maybe you’re a start up that needs flexible, secure cloud-based solutions to help your visionaries share ideas and enrich new business presentations. Perhaps you’re a vibrant mid-size business wanting to improve staff engagement by adding new capabilities that seamlessly integrate with an existing in-house solution; or you might be a globe spanning enterprise organization that requires greater innovation powered by on-premise, high availability, ultra secure and scalable collaboration technologies.

Our approach is what sets us apart. We identify the use case for your business, truly understand your business needs, and then go back and develop your solution. We never just offer something out of the box and hope it works for you. We bring breadth and depth to the table that is second to none to build the best solution that is 100% right for you. We know it has to be perfect for you – easy to use, easy to implement, and fully supported. Only then will we be satisfied.

We offer everything you need to deliver rich, effective digital content to your audience.

We recommend flexible and cost-efficient products that will enhance your productivity and connectivity. It is how we make you look good today and in the future.

Your people and clients may be here, there and everywhere, but we can bring them all together – Huddle Rooms, Conference Rooms, Board Rooms

From corporate boardrooms to large auditoriums, projectors deliver unparalleled solutions for any commercial imaging need, of any scale.

We can recommend and install the projection screen that is ideal for your application – no matter the size, location, or up time requirements.

The industry’s most advanced professional audio DSP platforms and microphones for conferencing and sound reinforcement applications. Acoustics design and engineering for flawless meetings.

Meeting Room Automation

Think of your control panel as the “universal remote” of your room, integrating video, projection, speakers, microphones, cameras, and more.

AVIT Service will give you the right tools to create and publish great video content in minutes, stream it live, and make the smallest presentation look like network-style TV.

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